Harmony Day in Australia



Harmony Day

Harmony Day, an observance declared by the Australian government had its 24th anniversary this year  2023. It is usually celebrated on 21st of March in an effort to recognise a diverse, multicultural Australian society which comes from all different backgrounds. 

Its purpose is to encourage inclusiveness, respectfulness and a sense of belonging for every Australian citizens. This message relates very well to my values, as I aim to be kind in every interaction I have with others. 

The colour most associated with this day is the colour orange, it highlights two key aspects that the celebration aims to signify:
  • Social communication and meaningful conversations
  • Freedom of ideas and encouragement of mutual respect
So if you liked the concept of Harmony Day, do wear an orange outfit to show your support! You may also choose to host an event, such as playing games or hanging out with people coming from different backgrounds as a celebration!

Harmony day and the UN

Harmony day was first introduced by the Howard government in 1999 and it coincides with the UN's International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrmination. The holiday UN commemorates the Sharpeville massacre in South Africa, 1960. As such, the Harmony Day has been widely criticised by many people, these include academics, anti-racism groups, Federation of Ethnic Communities' Councils of Australia (FECCA, the national peak body representing people from diverse cultural and liguistic backgrounds), and Australian senators and politicians. 

The main reason behind these criticisms on Harmony Day is it does not acknowledging the roots of the UN's celebration, and it for being purely a celebration of multiculturalism in Australia. 

So readers, as we celebrate Harmony Day, lets not forget the roots of this UN occasion, remember to oppose racism and be kind to one another!
